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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF, or WordPerfect document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines, which is found in About the Journal.
  • If submitting to a peer-reviewed section of the journal, the instructions in Ensuring a Blind Review have been followed.

Author Guidelines

Otorhinolaryngologica Indonesiana Journal publishes original scientific papers in the discipline of Ear, Nose, Throat and Head Neck Surgery, and other correlating diseases. The publication of this journal is in English. Published articles are original manuscripts never been published previously nor been submitted to other journals. The articles can be a research report, literature review, case report and other communicative-educative writing in  correlating with the above dicipline. The article must be submitted in English.

The writer should comply with the writing guidelines as follows:

I. Guidelines for research report

Research template

The article should have a maximum of 15 pages, consists of:

  • Title, written in a briefly concised, specific, and informative manner. Maximum 14 words (not more than 14), written in sentence case (capitalizing only the first word) bold, font 14 Times New Roman.
  • Writer’s name, contains writer’s full name, no abbreviation, and the institution of writer’s domicile. Should the writers belong to several institutions, give an asterix (*/**) complying with their institutions.
  • Abstract, must be in two languages: English and Indonesian, and should be structured. Abstract is a one-paragraph summary of the article consists of: Background, Purpose, Methods, Results, Conclusion. Abstract has a maximum of 250 words. Keywords are written under Abstract (3-5 words).
  • Introduction, brief (1-2 pages) explains the background and the purpose of undertaking this research.The last paragraph contains the purpose of the research, could be cited from preceding publications which are considered important.
  • Methods, contains a clarification of the materials and research context. Research method must be described clearly. Uncommon method should have a backed-up reference.
  • Result, reported in narration sentences. Could be supported by tables (maximum 5 tables) accomodating important data, and pictures which are supporting the research results. Decimal numbers should be separated by a point sign (.).
  • Discussion, elaborates the research result: the meaning or benefit of the research both for the study itself as well as for clinical application, also the difference and similarity with other studies. The last paragraph of discussion discloses research conclusion and suggestion (if necessary).
  • Acknowledgment, to anyone contributing service to this research, should be mentioned briefly.
  • Reference, written according to Vancouver Style (read the Guideline for References). The number of references should be between 10-30 (not more than 30).

II. Guidelines for Literature Review

Literature review template

Literature Review should have a maximum of 15 pages, consists of: Title; Writer’s name; Abstract (in English and Indonesian), structured with background, purpose, reference and conclusion; Introduction, should be brief (the last paragraph contains the purpose of the presence of this review); Literature Review; Discussion ended by a conclusion in the last paragraph. Reference, written according to Vancouver Style. The maximum number of references is 30. 

III. Guidelines for Case Report

Case report template

Case report is written using an evidence-based case report (EBCR) method. The maximum should be 15 pages, consists of  Title; Writer’s name; Abstract (in English and Indonesian) consists of background, purpose, case report, method, result, and conclusion; Introduction is written briefly (1-2 pages) and the last paragraph contains the purpose of the case report; Case Report; Clinical Question using  PICO format (Problem, Index/Intervention/Indicator, Comparison, and Outcome); Method explain sthe detail of evidence seeking steps covering sources, keywords of seeking evidence, inclusion and exclusion criteria; Result should be narrated and supported by table, and  flowchart of critical evaluation of the chosen articles. Discussion ended by conclusion dan suggestion, in the last paragraph; Reference written according to Vancouver Style. The maximum number of references is 30. 

IV. Guidelines for Reference 

Reference written based on the rules of Vancouver Style. The reference is identified inside the article by serial numbers which written according to the  subsequent numbers complying with the presence in the article. All writer’s names are written on the list, should it be more than 6 writers, only the 6 names are written, followed by et al. The preferred references are published in the last 10 years.  

Example on how to write References:


Prasad SC, Prasad KC, Kumar A, Thada ND, Rao P, Chalasani S. Osteomielitis of the Temporal Bone: Terminology, Diagnosis, and Management. J Neurol Surg B. 2014;75(5):324–31.

Chapter inside a book

Mulliken JB. Repair of bilateral cleft lip. In: Nelligan PC, Buck II DW, editors. Core Procedures in Plastic Surgery. Third Edition. London: Elsevier; 2014. p.550–68.


Lu JJ, Cooper JS, Lee AWM, eds. Nasopharyngeal cancer. Multidisciplinary management. Berlin: Springer; 2010. p.2-7.


Rizayani, Madiadipoera T, Sudiro M, Dermawan A. Efektivitas imunoterapi selama 3 tahun pada pasien rinitis alergi. Presented on 7th Jakarta International FESS Course-Workshop, Jakarta, 11-13 Maret 2011.


Joviolo. Preamturitas Sebagai Faktor Risiko Gangguan Fungsi Sel Rambut Luar Koklea. Tesis. Yogyakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Gadjah Mada; 2013. p.2-30.

Electronic media

National Institute of Deafness and Other Communication Disorders (NIDCD). Sudden deafness [Internet]. 2018. Available from:


  • Since 2018, article submission was done online using portal
  • The writer should first register in the portal address.
  • These are documents needed to be uploaded in
  • Approval sheet contains autographs of all writers, stating their approval to send their article to ORLI Journal. 
  • Statement sheet which confirms that the article is never been published nor be sent to other publishers.
  • All authors must fill out and sign the Authors statement sheet
  • Sent also the copy literatures included in the Reference list.
  • Article can also sent by email to Sekretariat Jurnal ORLI/PP Perhati-KL 
    Apartemen The Baile, Jalan Kimia No. 4, Jakarta Pusat, 10320,
    Telepon/Fax : 021-3912144. Email: