Ekspresi Interleukin-35 pada penderita karsinoma nasofaring undifferentiated stadium lanjut
Latar belakang: Karsinoma nasofaring (KNF) merupakan keganasan pada kepala leher yang berasal dari epitel nasofaring. Sel pada tumor ini dapat memproduksi interleukin-35 (IL-35) yang mendukung pertumbuhan tumor, angiogenesis, dan stimulus radikal bebas melalui jalur mieloid dendritic supressor cells (MDSC) serta menghambat respons imun. Tujuan: Penelitian bertujuan untuk menganalisis ekspresi IL-35 pada penderita karsinoma nasofaring undifferentiated pada stadium lanjut tanpa metastasis. Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian observasional analitik dengan consecutive sampling pada 30 sampel jaringan biopsi penderita KNF undifferentiated yang dilakukan pemeriksaan imunohistokimia dengan menggunakan antibodi monoclonal rabbit anti IL-35 (RabMAbs) untuk mengetahui ekspresi IL- 35 kemudian dilakukan penghitungan dengan Intensity Distribution Score (IDS). Hasil: Pengukuran IDS ekspresi IL-35 dari 30 sampel penderita didapatkan sebagian besar kelompok menunjukan hasil positif kuat dan sangat kuat sebanyak 27 penderita, 2 penderita positif lemah, dan 1 penderita negatif dengan rerata (mean) serta simpang baku (SD) 224,67±78,00. Kesimpulan: Terdapat peningkatan (overexpression) ekspresi IL-35 pada KNF undifferentiated stadium lanjut.
Kata kunci: KNF undifferentiated stadium lanjut, interleukin-35, faktor prediktif
Background: Nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) is a head and neck malignancy originated from nasopharyngeal epithelium. The tumor cells produced interleukin-35 (IL-35), which support the growth of tumors, angiogenesis, and stimulation of free radical pathways through mieloid dendritic supressor cells (MDSC), and also inhibition of the immune response. Purpose: This study aimed to analyze the expression of IL-35 in the end state of undifferentiated nasopharyngeal carcinoma. Methods: Analytic observational study with consecutive sampling from 30 samples of biopsy tissue of undifferentiated NPC which underwent immunohistochemical detection with rabbit monoclonal antibody anti IL-35 (RabMAbs) to determine the expression of IL-35, and scoring by Intensity Distribution Score (IDS). Results: The expression IL-35 by IDS measurement from 30 samples resulted mostly as strong to very strong in 27 samples, weak positive in 2 samples and negative in 1 sample with mean and standard deviation 224.67±78.00. Conclusion: There was an overexpression of IL-35 in the end state of undifferentiated nasopharyngeal carcinoma.
Keywords: Nasopharyngeal carcinoma undifferentiated, Interleukin-35, predictive factor